Well, let's see..isn't it itresting that we post a positive thread and the only negative comment is made by a JW? anyway....
I left at 18 and Im now 22..I live in an expensive apartment with a pretty view and a nice fireplace with my girlfriend Saffron, from Norway and my two kittens, Bear and Style. They are bengals. I will post pics soon :)
I work as a web designer full-time, and I have taken up breakdancing semi-professionally. I have been hired to dance at the Otakon at the baltimore convention center tommorow www.otakon.com and on august 18th i will be dancing at a car show called hot import nights.
I have taken up a side-career in acting for fun and extra income. So far, I have been on WEST WING on NBC and i have auditoned for a commercial on PBS. TOld ya I jus started :) Not much of a resume.
I also do another weekend job called theatre open checking. THey basically pay me to watch movies. ITs so great! I earn an extra $500-$1000 a month this way, and its double that during the summer. If anyone of you need extra income I'd reccomend doing this. Its easy and fun.
I have no beleif in God, especially the judeo-christian god anymore. But I don't beleive that when we die that's it. (I beleive in ghosts)
I beleive in Paranormal like remote viewing and spoon bednin')
I'm very happy, I collect toys as a hobby, and have ammased a huge collection. I collect mostly 80's transforming toys and my gf collects 80's plush and cute girl toys like rainbo brite, my little ponies, care bears, popples, wuzzles, and more.
anyone wanna see my webpages? here ya go:
.. http://www.designprintpromote.com
.. http://www.msgexpo.com/flashintro.htm
.. http://www.designprintpromote.com/lakeview
.. http://www.lcgnet.com
.. http://www.mycompanymarketplace.com
.. http://www.jltcustombuilders.com
.. http://www.villagedev.com
.. http://www.athomecareinc.com
.. http://www.eyeneedle.com
.. http://www.designprintpromote.com/ace
.. http://www.designprintpromote.com/hhw
.. http://www.mycareerconcepts.com
.. http://www.thesantegroup.org
.. http://www.townplannermd.com
god, that's all I can remember for now. Lemme know if anyone find errors on these sites Im a terrible speller and im lazy too!
me using my head